About Me

I started my career as a writer while living in Los Angeles and have been writing professionally since 2000. Upon returning to Sydney, I set up a corporate training business specialising in training and coaching communication and public speaking skills to corporate executives.

In 2012, I wrote my first book - An Authentic Approach to Public Speaking now known as Creative Keynote - and began writing full time.

Over the next few years, I went on to write six books including Finding Paris: An Unusual Love Story; Write Way Home: Writing My Way Back To A Meaningful Life; and Meet Me In Milan.

In early 2021, after 20+ years of studying personal development, I rediscovered the teachings of Neville Goddard. I began studying and applying the Law of Assumption to my own life and experienced the benefits almost immediately.

This reignited my passion for teaching and I began posting videos on YouTube about my understanding and application of the Law of Assumption principles.

These videos led to requests for coaching which led me back to what I love doing most: helping others to be the best versions of themselves so they can live their best life (while also doing the same for myself!).


BA Human Movement, Graduate Certificate in Writing, Certificate IV Life Coaching, Cert IV Business Management, Cert IV Training and Assessment, Certificate IV Individual Support.