Assume a New Story & Enjoy More Money

I AM MONEY: Assume A New Story & Enjoy More Money is a new approach to increasing your wealth and enjoying more money in reality. 

Using the life-changing principles of Law of Assumption, I AM MONEY will revolutionise the way you think and speak about money as well as enable you to acquire more of it easily and with less effort.

Read I AM MONEY with an open mind and you will find yourself open to enjoying more money.

When you purchase the Ebook, you will receive a PDF, Google Play and Apple Books version. When you purchase the Audio Book you will receive a link to the audio file. You will have the option to purchase both at the checkout. If you purchase both you will receive a discount.

Please note, there are no refunds on digital and audio products. All sales are final. Thank you.

For more information about the book check out these two videos!

What People Are Saying…

What I love about the book is that it approached the topic of money thoroughly and with all angles. The book was structured very methodically and flowed very well. The book was pure GOLD all the way through but what truly hit me was the realization that money is not something separate from me and that the key to commanding money is to completely dissolve any perceived distance between myself and money. I realized the importance of demolishing the attachment I have around money and subsequently neutralizing the emotional charge in order to bring more money to my external reality. I HIGHLY recommend this book to anyone who desires and intends to manifest more financial wealth into their life!! 

- Hitesh Garach

I can definitely recommend I AM MONEY. It’s very well written and the content is unique and highly practical. It has given me a lot of new understandings. I will definitely reread it soon.

- Christine Chapman

I read the book and it’s fantastic! All kinds of money goodness flowed into my 3D reality too! Whole-heartedly recommend.

- Rachel Kessler

I purchased the book this morning and just finished it - thank you Hedley! There were some things that really clicked for me and I know it will help me in achieving my dream life. I will update you.

- @madchemistrie